1. Thank you for sharing such an interesting explanation!

  2. Sadly our Christmas dinner in Mystic will only have one dessert, but the dinner wines will be from Lourmarin (Tardieu-Laurent Hermitage Blanc and Cornas).

  3. I'm not sure I could eat or taste thirteen desserts, no matter how hungry, but then your charming narrative and elegant photos make me think otherwise! – Mark

  4. Well, of course I would like the recipe! 🙂 The section about the four mendicants makes me wonder if mendiants – the chocolates with those four ingredients – every appear as one of the thirteen desserts.

    I also find it very interesting that the counterpart of the same name in Italy – Vin Cotto – is not a dessert wine but more like a fortified vinegar for salads and meats. Boy, would I love to try some Vin Cuit!

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