1. Does this mean more cruise ships lining up to dock? There goes the neighborhood!

    Ciao !

  2. Interesting blog on MARSEILLE…Thanks, Susan!

    The only thing I know about Marseille is that MANY of the processional statues for the Feasts in Malta and our smaller island, Gozo were made in Marseille, so at one time, if not now, it was considered THE place to order your Festa Statue, if a parish had the money to afford a luxury made from abroad. Churches here in Malta and Gozo, even now, are quick to tell you if their statue was made in Marseille! It's a "badge of honour"…distinction and prestige. I was told the processional statue of Our Lady of Loreto in Ghajnsielem, Gozo (where I have a summer retreat from the heat) was made in Marseille.

  3. Thanks for a well-written and informative post on Marseille! The two guys in hot pink are decidedly NOT American tourists! 🙂 – Kirsten

  4. I remember our short visit to Marseille (on the way to Les Calanques with you all) vividly – the North African Market, of course, where we bought our tagine and went in and out of the most fascinating spice shops… and of all my photos, the "Pink Boys" (as I like to call them) is one of my favorites. Yes, I think the NY Times was right to put Marseille on the list, and just for the reasons you mentioned – it hasn't yet become a parody of itself for the sake tourism (Disney-fied, as I am wont to say), though it might now… Merci for a wonderful article and reminiscence! ~ David

  5. Yea…there's always a down side, n'est-ce pas? In fact, I read exactly that: more cruise ships!

  6. Ah, Cloe, thanks for that interesting information! I will have to look up "the feasts of Malta" to see what the statues look like and where they are made. I will let you know. Malta is still on my list of places to visit!

    And, readers, any one who is thinking of Malta, should contact me so I can get you in touch with Cloe who organizes wonderful tours of the area.

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